Dolomite Minerals For Sale

Dolomite minerals for sale in bulk and with the best price of the market. Sellers, suppliers and exporters of dolomite minerals.

Dolomite Minerals For Sale: In the dynamic landscape of mineral trade, GUTIERREZALEU M.T. stands as a prominent and direct seller and exporter of premium dolomite minerals, hailing proudly from Spain. Our unyielding commitment to authenticity and reliability distinguishes us, positioning GUTIERREZALEU M.T. as the unparalleled partner for those in search of trustworthy dolomite mineral suppliers and reputable dolomite mineral exporters.

GUTIERREZALEU M.T.'s reputation as a direct and dependable market player is solidified by our extensive experience and impeccable track record. If you're seeking a reliable source for procuring dolomite minerals from Spain, your quest concludes here. Our dedication lies in facilitating a seamless process, ensuring that these valuable resources are harnessed to their utmost potential.

The complex terrain of mineral sourcing and exportation can be intricate, but GUTIERREZALEU M.T. simplifies the journey. Our meticulous selection process guarantees that we offer only the highest quality dolomite minerals, providing our clients with unswerving confidence in the products they acquire from Spain.

As buyers explore options for procuring dolomite minerals, forging a partnership with a supplier of integrity becomes paramount. GUTIERREZALEU M.T.'s reputation as a dependable seller and exporter positions us as the conduit between your requirements and the superior quality dolomite minerals that Spain boasts.

Amidst the ever-growing global demand for minerals, GUTIERREZALEU M.T. stands steadfast as a partner for both buyers and importers. Our expertise goes beyond merely being sellers; we are architects of enduring relationships that contribute to the industry's enrichment.

The decision to procure dolomite minerals is a strategic one, and it's equally imperative to select the right supplier. GUTIERREZALEU M.T.'s direct approach to sourcing guarantees a streamlined and efficient process. Our team of experts remains attuned to market trends, ensuring competitive offerings for the premium dolomite minerals from Spain.

Sourcing dolomite minerals necessitates a partner who comprehends the nuances of the market. GUTIERREZALEU M.T. doesn't just offer minerals; we cultivate relationships. Our commitment to transparency, efficiency, and direct engagement solidifies us as the preferred seller and exporter in the competitive market.

In a business realm where trust is the cornerstone, GUTIERREZALEU M.T. emerges as a symbol of reliability. As a seller and exporter, our mission extends beyond transactions; it encompasses nurturing enduring partnerships that drive progress.

Our role as a direct seller and exporter goes beyond transactions to encompass mutual growth, respect, and shared accomplishments. Whether you're seeking to procure dolomite minerals or import dolomite minerals from Spain, GUTIERREZALEU M.T. is here to transform possibilities into tangible successes.

Choosing GUTIERREZALEU M.T. means choosing more than a supplier; you're selecting a collaborator dedicated to your success. Our expansive network, industry insights, and unwavering reliability underscore our identity, inviting you to experience the transformation firsthand.

In a plethora of options, GUTIERREZALEU M.T. stands as a distinctive figure, synonymous with direct and reliable sourcing and exportation of premium dolomite minerals from Spain. As a seller founded on trust, we transcend transactions to establish enduring partnerships.

In summary, whether you're in search of reliable dolomite mineral suppliers or reputable dolomite mineral exporters, GUTIERREZALEU M.T. stands as the epitome of reliability. Our role as a direct seller and exporter underscores our commitment to transparency, efficiency, and progress. Contact us today to embark on a journey that redefines your dolomite mineral sourcing and exportation experience from Spain.


What is Dolomite?

Dolomite rock is a rock that is present in several formations of the geological register from the Palaeozoic to the Tertiary periods. It is a rock composed especially of dolomite, double carbonate of Ca and Mg. Dolomites are not usually found in pure state, as dolomite forms a series of continuous transition with calcite. The theoretical chemical composition of pure dolomite is, in weight, 30.4% of CaO, 21.9% of MgO and the rest CO2. Among its applications we can find the production of aggregates for construction and the chemical industry. Also, the manufacture of dolomitic marbles and other ornamental materials.

Manufacturing Process

Our dolomites dome from limestones formed by marine sedimentary processes that, in contact with magnesium-enriched water, undergo the dolomitization process. This is the first process, which nature carries out over millions of years. From there, and near our main deposit, we established our Crushing, Grinding and Classification Plant, where we carry out the dolomite process. Once the final product is obtained, it is classified in various grain sizes, adapting to the requirements of each sector targeted.

Ca Mg (CO3)2


What is Calcined Dolomite?.

Calcined dolomite is obtained by the calcination of dolomite, with a high content in calcium and magnesium carbonate CaMg(CO3)2. This product has mainly steel applications to improve slagging and to lengthen the lifespan of the refractory linings of ovens and ladles. Also, in metallurgy, chemistry, manufacture of refractory bricks and in stabilization in the process of manufacture of glass, improving its resistance to the aggression of gases and humidity. It can also be used in waste water and sludge treatment, as well as in fertilization and conditioning of terrains.

Manufacturing Process

The calcined dolomite is obtained from heating of the crude dolomite to 800ºC in a horizontal oven. Once the final product is obtained, it is classified in various grain sizes, adapting to the requirements of each sector targeted.

Ca Mg (CO3)2 + Tª (800ºC) -> CaO MgO calcined+ 2CO2


What is Dead Burned Dolomite?

Sintered Dolomite, also known as Dead-Burned Dolomite (DBD), is the product resulting from calcining the dolomite from 1,400ºC to 1,800ºC for a period of time, thus obtaining magnesium oxide crystals (periclase) and of calcium oxide. This product is an alternative to Magnesite. It is mainly used for the Refractory Industry as an element in formulation of "Tempered" pieces as "Baked". With these pieces the ladles for casting of scrap metal are configured. At the same time, it is an essential ingredient for the production of "Masses" for slabs and refractory gunites.

Manufacturing Process

Crude Dolomite, after passing through the calcination process and in the same industrial area is made into Sintered Dolomite, generating a new mineral: Periclase. This process is carried out with a vertical oven with temperatures of over 1,800ºC. Once the final product is obtained, it is classified in various grain sizes, adapting to the requirements of each sector targeted.

CaO MgO calcined + Tª (>1.800ºC) ° CaO MgO PERICLASA (Mg Oxide Crystals).

Discover the finest quality dolomite minerals for sale. As reputable dolomite sellers and mineral suppliers, we provide premium-grade dolomite sourced from trusted locations. Our dedication to excellence sets us apart as leading dolomite mineral exporters. Elevate your projects with our top-tier dolomite, known for its versatility and performance. Explore our range and experience the difference in product quality and customer satisfaction.



*Purifying action in steels.

*Protective action of refractory lining.


*Improves stability.

*Decreases tendency to devitrification.

*Increases viscosity of the glass.

*Lengthens the thermal interval of moldability.

*Increases resistance to abrupt temperature changes.

*Allows reduction of % of Silica and quantity of fluxes.


*Allows neutralization of soil acidity (AMENDMENT).

*Soil conditioning, so that the crop assimilates the nutrients in optimal conditions.

*Eliminates the phytotoxicity of aluminium, a basic element of silicates, by transformation of other ionic types that are non-toxic for crops.

*Reduces solubility of heavy metals.

*Ca/Mg status regulator of soils, its adaptation for agricultural use.

Magnesium is a component of chlorophyll, necessary for the development of the chemical process of plant photosynthesis.

*Products in oxide form are assimilated and quickly correct the pH of the soil while carbonates have medium-term assimilation and regulating effect.